Why Startups Fail?

Financial Perspective

Why major startups having genuine & innovative ideas/products fail eventually?

Have you ever wondered where did they missed out? Read on to find out!


1 Negative Cashflow:

The main reason of a startup failure is not keeping track of its cashflow! i.e. cash coming in from sales & cash going out for expenses/purchases.

You may get profit in your financial statements but still run out of cash!

Examples: Doodhwala, Just Buy Live – these are startups that failed even after million dollar fundings.


2 Lack of Competitive Advantage:

Many startups fail due to lack of core competency. To be successful, you must have some competitive edge over others.

What is your competitive advantage over your competitors?


3 Business Economics:

In simple terms – your business must be profitable! It seems too simple right? No its not!

Many startups fail to track Gross Profit per sale! If you sale a product and its not profitable – how would you scale up being profitable?


4 Sustainability:

Many startups fail due to lack of sustainable business model or over dependency on a particular event. What if such event doesn’t occur?


Are you planning for a #Startup?

Contact Us! We’ll help you in business registration & overlooking your business financials to make it a success!

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